Monday, February 04, 2008

Kentucker Audley on his filmmaking influences

"I don't watch a lot of movies, in general. The idea is to be influenced primarily by real life. Most films do seem to be influenced by other films rather than by real life, and that's a shame to me." -Kentucker Audley (aka Andrew Nenninger) in the Memphis Flyer Online.

The Kentucker Audley interview I refer to above was from October of last year, but I just discovered it the other day. It's a nice little article about the Memphis filmmaker. For me, it's comforting to know that a person doesn't need to be some kind of cinephile to make great movies. I was also impressed that Audley stated that Mutual Appreciation was an influence when he was making his own feature, Team Picture. It's very refreshing for me to see a filmmaking acknowledge a contemporary film when naming their influences.


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